Immaculate Heart of Mary - Parish
Roman Catholic Church  - Huddersfield - Diocesan Trust Registered Charity : 020 7485 2727

St Peters RC Church Hamilton

Our Lady of Hal
Camden Town - A Parish of the DIocese of  Westminster Registered Charity  Number:  233699


Registered Charity  Number 233699  - A Parish under the Diocese of Westminster



All are welcome here!

Welcome to the Parish of Our Lady of Hal

Welcome to our website for the Parish of Our Lady of Hal, a Roman Catholic Church in Camden Town. We invite all visitors to join us at Mass where we welcome you to join our warm community in prayer and worship.  Thank you for taking the time to visit our website and we look forward to welcoming you if you find yourself in the area. To check our Mass times click here, or alternatively, you can contact us here for further enquiries.


Monday, Tuesday & Friday : 12:00 pm 
 Wednesday & Thursday 09:30 am | 6:00 pm (Vigil Mass for Sunday)
Sunday: 10:00 am  | 12:00 Noon 
5:00 pm (Portuguese Mass) 
N.B. There is no Mass on Saturday morning. 


Friday 12.30 - 1.00 pm 
Saturday 11 am-11.30 & 5.15 pm–5.45 pm 


Fridays 12.30 pm-1 pm (with  Benediction) 
Saturday 5.15-5.45 pm


Our Lady of Hal serves Our Lady's Catholic Primary Camden. We provide spiritual guidance
and sacramental support for both the teachers and the pupils; you can find out more about our schools by following the links below.

Our Parish Priest

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Father Mark Dunglinson: Parish Priest 




Following our Sunday Morning Mass (10:00am) Fr. Mark would like to welcome all parishioners and visitors to to join us for Tea and Coffee.  It is a wonderful opportunity to meet others and for those new or visiting the parish, a great opportunity to say hello.

RCIA: RCIA stands for Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults.  This course is for those who wish to become a Catholic or perhaps you have lapsed and want to return, or would just like to know more about your faith.  If any of the above applies to you, then please contact Fr. Mark for further information. The course is now up and running 


As Catholics it is important that we pray and remember our departed brothers and sisters. Please do keep all of the departed in your prayers.

R.C.I.A (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults)

If you are an adult catholic who has not been confirmed, and you would like to be, or you are not a member of the Catholic Church, and wish to know more about the Catholic Faith, the RCIA. programme may be for you. The RCIA programme looks at the Catholic Faith at a gentle pace to help enquirers, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, discern if they are being called to be a member of the Church. If you are interested, please see the parish priest. 


Latest Parish News

February 21, 2025
24 February 25 to 9 March 2025
February 18, 2025
By Webmaster February 25, 2024
TOWARDS THE SYNOD IN OCTOBER 2024 – Let us ask the Holy Spirit to guide us in this process. Come Holy Spirit! As you know there will be a synod of the whole Church in Rome in October 2024.  ‘The Lord will guide us and help us to be a more synodal & missionary Church, a Church that adores God & serves the women and men of our time, going forth to bring everyone the consoling joy of the Gospel’ (Pope Francis). ‘Each Christian is a mission on this earth’ and we all have a responsibility to proclaim Christ, not just religious, deacons, priests and bishops. YOUR opinion counts and there will be an opportunity to put your ideas forward. This Sunday a questionnaire is available for you to take home and return completed BY 3RD MARCH. Additionally, at the Sunday Masses on 2nd/3rd March the questionnaire will be handed out again and, during the homily slot, you will be able to write down your ideas. The form will not record your name, it will be anonymous. To start you thinking these will be the questions: Q1: How do we witness as a Parish and proclaim our faith to: a) those who have never heard of Christ? b) those who ceased walking with Christ? c) those with whom we worship Christ (go to church)? Q2: How should we organize ourselves as a parish to do this more effectively? Q3: What concrete steps/formation opportunities would help us begin to witness and proclaim our faith more effectively? Q4: What structures may need to change the way we are organized currently? You are invited to take this opportunity and all the ideas received will be collated and sent to our diocese, and eventually to Rome
February 18, 2024
Tea and coffee, after the 10am Sunday Mass, begins again on 3rd September
By Mark Dunglinson June 27, 2023
Featuring the young professional singers of Our Lady of Hal Church in oratorio & operatic arias & ensembles
May 19, 2023
Monday 5th June at 7:30pm One Hope Project comes to Camden Town
March 6, 2023
Our Church will be 90 on the 18th March 2023
By Webmaster January 15, 2023
Friends of the Holy Land concert event to raise funds for the most in need in the Holy Land
By Webmaster January 15, 2023
Retrovaille: A Programme for Couples struggling in their Marriages.: Help Your Marriage.
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Diocese News/Events

List of Services

There are many events organised within the Diocese of Westminster. You can view the Diocese Website Events Calendar by visiting the link below:



 Are you feeling increasingly compelled to spend time with Jesus? Do you find that your time is spent seeking him and all things connected with him?

If you have questions and you need some help with the answers, then firstly pray and ask the Holy Spirit to help you to understand what it is Jesus wants from you. Then, if you would like to talk, contact our vocations department; we can give you some guidance on how to further discern God's calling.
More about Vocations

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